“The true measure of progressiveness in a society, family, or individual lies in the depth and sincerity of the accountability they hold towards their children, what kinds of definitions have been established in the context of parenting, which types of conditionings have been adapted by the society and individuals for living the life which embodies true values and ethics without pretence. Determines their direction and level of development, values, ethics, and awareness.”
“When emotions, ethics, accountability, and values are absent, intelligence has a tendency to transform into cruelty, arrogance, discriminative superiority, and a proclivity for lies and manipulations.”
If we cannot acknowledge our mistakes, if we lack a genuine dedication to rectify them, if we cannot sincerely apologise for our mistakes, if we cannot sincerely forgive the mistakes made by others. If we make decisions in our life under the influence of self-centric arrogance, controlling/discriminative mindset, etc. If we, by deceiving and manipulating, turn wrong into right, and within ourselves, we see it as justified. Knowingly or unknowingly, if we transfer or nurture or implant cavities to our children's subconscious. If we continue to replicate the errors of our parents (changing the superficial appearance cannot be considered genuine correction). If we fail to sincerely understand and appreciate the human values. If we fail to understand, appreciate family-integrity, integral-parenting, and harmony and transfer to our children.
So what is the real meaning of our being educated, to be developed, to be thoughtful, to be rational, to be civilised, to be cultured and to be sensible? Does being educated, developed, thoughtful, logical, civilised and cultured mean that we become more and more self-centric, arrogant, discriminative, cruel, liar, manipulator, hypocritical, cunning, and unaccountable?
Chapter ONE — Prologue
There are various circumstances in which individuals become parents, including situations where pregnancy occurs as a result of impulsive sexual desire, or circumstance is when pregnancy is a result of a traumatic event like rape, or conceiving after entering into a marriage arranged by their parents with the intention of producing heirs for the family. These are just a few examples of the different types of circumstances that can lead to parenthood.
In addition, there exists a category of parents who select their life partners based on their own volition. Following their marriage, they start to build a life together. After years of living together, they consciously embark on the journey of parenthood, ensuring that the birth of their children is a carefully considered and intentional act, devoid of any impulsive or undesirable occurrences. This chapter will focus on discussing parents falling into this specific category.
The article argues that individuals with strong ethics, thoughtfulness, and life values should hold the utmost responsibility and accountability towards their children, with no exceptions or excuses. The life of children should always take precedence over self-centricity, arrogance, discriminative mindset, conditionings, subconscious cavities, and similar factors.
- If a child possesses intelligence, keen observational skills, a quick learning ability, and a natural inclination towards comprehension, then there exists a potential for the development of a multifaceted personality. Given that we have been blessed with a child who possesses immense talent, what are the significant responsibilities and duties that fall upon us as parents? If parents possess qualities such as honesty, accountability, and seriousness, then the response to this inquiry becomes clear-cut and unambiguous. On the contrary, if self-centricity, arrogance, discrimination, and similar aspects are assigned greater significance and priority than the well-being of children, the response will undoubtedly diverge.
When it comes to parents, there are generally two distinct types. A type of parent who possesses qualities such as sensitivity, thoughtfulness, understanding, honesty, and accountability. Another category involves individuals who exhibit a mindset that is self-centric, arrogant, cruel, unaccountable, and discriminatory.
1.1 Parents who are accountable, dutiful, and loving towards their children
If parents possess thoughtfulness, understanding, honesty, and accountability towards their child, if they genuinely love and comprehend the true essence of love, if they feel a deep sense of commitment and dedication towards their child, then they will be fully prepared to assist their child at any cost. These individuals will make the ultimate sacrifice, disregarding any self-centricity, arrogance, or discriminatory mindset for their children. In the case that these parents encounter conflicts, differences, or mistakes, rather than making decisions based on self-centricity, arrogance, discrimination, or cruelty, both spouses will make continuous sincere efforts to resolve the issues with utmost seriousness, commitment, dedication, and accountability. They will be determined to continue making every possible effort to enhance their child's life and create a sensible, harmonious, and thoughtful family environment. Their dedication involves making honest efforts without any form of deception, lies or manipulation. The role of being a parent entails the duty and responsibility to do so.
Parents who are accountable, dutiful, and loving go to great lengths to secure a bright future for their children, especially if the child demonstrates brilliance, and a strong passion for learning. If the government in a particular society ensures that children have access to quality healthcare, education, employment opportunities, and other necessary services, parents can conserve a considerable amount of energy and resources. In this situation, parents who are serious, thoughtful, accountable, and loving strive to create a conducive environment for their children's growth by embracing harmony, family integrity, and practising integral parenting. They fill their children's lives with meaning. These parents take on greater accountability and put in stronger efforts to foster the personality development of their children. This is the true essence of love, and this is what it means to truly be parents.
1.2 Parents with self-centric, arrogant, discriminative, controlling mindset
There are individuals who lack the understanding of the significant distinction between raising children and raising pets. Those individuals who have a limited understanding of parenting, only encompassing aspects such as providing food, clothing, shelter, and brain stimulation, fail to grasp the gravity and prevalence of parenting. In modern society, there is a constant increase in self-centricity, a controlling and discriminative mindset, a lack of serious accountability towards children, cruelty, and cavities in the subconscious, among other factors, from generation to generation.
If the parents or either parent exhibit self-centricity, arrogance, a discriminatory mindset, cruelty, and hypocrisy in terms of their life values and ethics, it becomes clear that they fail to grasp the profound responsibility and accountability they have towards their child. These individuals, in contrast, choose to prioritise self-centricity, arrogance, discrimination, prejudices, and subconscious cavities over the well-being of their own child. The complete lack of self-introspection by these individuals is truly astonishing, as they are unable to comprehend the extent of their cruelty towards their own children. They give priority to their self-centricity, arrogance, discriminative mindset, and subconscious cavities, etc., without considering the reasons seriously or making sincere efforts to solve the causes, even for reasons that are not serious.
If it is easy and socially acceptable, these individuals, driven by their arrogance, discriminatory mindset, subconscious biases, prejudices, and control-oriented mentality, often make the choice to break up families. Consequently, the child suffers greatly from a young age, as the parents fail to demonstrate honest and serious accountability. If the conditioning and mentality of family, relatives, friends, and community are consistent with this, it leads to the endorsement of destructive actions rather than encouraging the pursuit of constructive solutions. Support for arguments is often derived from self-centric psychological concepts. Self-centricity, arrogance, and unaccountability have gained a significant reputation, which is why most people tend to display these characteristics. The fabrication of psychological assumptions is an ongoing and constant process, because the temptation to adopt a mindset that is self-centric, unaccountable, and control-oriented is quite strong. Similar conditioning is given to children by their parents and society as well. Cavities are not the only things that transfer into the children's subconscious, there is also the training and conditioning of invisible and inexplicable self-centricity, arrogance, discrimination, cruelty, and other negative traits.
" Children, unaware of the situation, suffer the burden of pain and emotional shocks internally, navigating a web of lies, manipulation, conditioning, pretence, and love, adapting to the circumstances. Children have no choice but to adapt to their environment. Despite not having parents, they try to manage to survive. Even in countries plagued by corruption, where orphanages are highly mismanaged and cruel, children somehow try to manage to survive. Consequently, it is essential to contemplate whether qualities such as self-centricity, a discriminative mindset, arrogance, and the like, can outweigh the value of one's own children's lives. Unfortunately, those who exhibit self-centricity, a discriminative mindset, and arrogance are incapable of grasping this fundamental fact."
There is no arrogance in children. Because of their ability to adapt without any significant opposition, we believe that everything is going smoothly. The majority of parents who hold this mindset have had parents who have done the same. In our society, we observe numerous individuals engaging in this behaviour. Moreover, a significant number of our relatives, as well as some of our siblings, do the same. Additionally, some of our friends do the same. Considering all of these factors, we firmly believe that our actions are justified and that we are making the right choices, rather than making serious mistakes. When it comes to determining what is right or wrong, we base our judgments not on someone's character, but on the mentality that others are employing, thus, we see as the rightful conclusion. Our parents were the ones who did it, when we grew up and observed that our friends and even our siblings are following it as well. We grew up, their children are growing up, our children will also be grown up. Then, why do we need to abandon or improve our characteristic negativity for the lives of children? The truth is, we often fail to introspect and acknowledge that our actions are influenced by hidden cavities of our subconscious mind. Our arrogance prevents us from accepting the possibility that we may be in the wrong or in need of correction.
To ensure our own comfort and ego, we employ various deceitful tactics and manipulations to condition children, striving to establish ourselves as great and righteous figures in their eyes, thus constructing a perceived aura of greatness. Our actions involve altering the way children perceive things. All this we do with children constantly, yet we tend to believe that we are sensitive to children. While this is all cruelty, we tend to be cruel to our own children. We do all this for the sake of our ego, discriminative-mindset, controlling mindset. In various societies, not only do we, but also our family, relatives, friends, and community, actively or indirectly contribute to this cruelty against children. Although we exhibit superficial love for children, it is merely a façade to hide the fact that we are cruel to them. In order to create the appearance of sensitivity, it is necessary to superficially show it. To put it bluntly, we consistently engage in falsehoods and manipulations. If someone were to accuse us of fabricating lies, being manipulative, having a discriminative mindset, and being cruel, we not only consider it an abuse but also perceive it as an insult to our self-esteem. Apart from our cruelty, we also acquire cunningness. In certain societies, these ways of life are socially recognised and held in high prestige; it encompasses not just a culture, but also a civilisation and a sense of superiority.
When a child resides in a society where governments take responsibility for providing good facilities in education, health, and employment, due to the governance systems' sense of accountability towards the citizens. In societies like these, parents who adopt self-centric, arrogant, discriminative, controlling mindset tend to become unaccountable and insensitive, lacking in genuine values and exhibiting hypocrisy. As they do not feel the need to fulfil any specific obligations or show any dedication, all they have to do is occupy themselves with the children until children reach adulthood. Viewing their children as personal belongings, these parents fail to recognise the inherent value and significance of their children's lives.
Most of us do not really know how to love our children. Self-centricity is so deeply ingrained in the lives of most of us that it controls everything, controls us to comprehend everything through this. "Self-centricity has evolved into a cultural phenomenon, permeating every aspect of our civilisation. Those who are not self-centric are often labelled as inferior, possessing a backward mindset, and being of a second level.". Whether consciously or unconsciously, our intention is to mould children into conforming to our ways, and children continuously strive to adapt and conform to our ways. Due to the overwhelming influence of parents, relatives, and society, children find themselves trapped in a perpetual cycle of conditioning, unaware of the profound significance of life values such as love, trust, commitment, dedication, and more importantly, they struggle to incorporate these values into their own lives.
We take away mothers or fathers from children, take away family-integrity, integral-parenting, diversity-parenting. And to compensate, we keep them busy, stimulate their brain and emotions, so that they feel how good is happening to us, so that they do not question the decisions and actions we have made, which we could have avoided. So that when grown, our children will not believe the fact that we gave importance to our arrogance and self-centricity instead of our children's lives. We have also been crafting and establishing the definitions and arguments of psychology based on self-centricity. We are writing books on how to keep children busy, ways to stimulate their brain and emotions, etc., presenting new concepts. We are ready to spend our tremendous energy on all this, but we do not have readiness and commitment to positive solutions and efforts by going beyond our self-centricity, arrogance and discriminative-mindset and subconscious cavities.
Is it possible to compensate for the absence of family-integrity, integral-parenting, parenting-diversity and harmony by providing brain and emotional stimulation? How can we ensure that our children do not develop deeply embedded cavities in their subconscious? By employing these methods, have we been able to break free from the control of subconscious cavities that reside deep within us? Are we not controlled by subconscious cavities? Is it not necessary for us to engage in self-introspection when it comes to these fundamental questions?
1.2.1 Why parents with self-centric, arrogant, discriminative, controlling mindset fail with family integrity, integral parenting and harmony
Individuals can be placed into distinct categories in terms of their life values by analysing their actions and decision-making processes.
- Individuals who possess a genuine desire to embrace the values of life make a conscious effort to lead a purposeful existence.
- Individuals who are conscious of the fact that they are not leading a life based on values. Despite this, they have a genuine respect for those who live by values.
- Those who disregard the importance of living by values and are aware of this. Furthermore, these individuals perceive those who adhere to life values as foolish, backward, failures, or inferior.
- Individuals who think that they are living according to values but are actually living not. Despite their appearances of following values, they do not live on values sincerely. These people pretend to live in life values before others. And to make this appearance, they manipulate and fabricate lies. Such people do not live with life values truly, yet they strive to project an image of themselves living under the values. The reason for this behaviour is their attempt to uphold their prestige and self-esteem in the perception of others. With the passage of time, these types of individuals often transform into being hollow, hypocritical, and arrogant. Whenever these individuals are faced with the opportunity to live their values seriously and sincerely, they often fail to do so. However, they choose to manipulate, justify, and make excuses in order to show their own righteousness.
——— (This category individuals show a distinct lack of respect and acceptance towards those who genuinely embrace life values in their lives. These people think others are similar to themselves. So about the people who are actually living life values, these people think that they are also not living in life values. This is the primary factor preventing these individuals from cultivating a genuine sense of respect, honour, and acceptance towards those who embody life-values.)
In many couples, one of the spouses tends to have a controlling and discriminatory mindset. The act of being discriminatory does not always indicate that one holds animosity or engages in prejudice against others due to their colour, appearance, race, nationality, birth, and other similar aspects. There are multiple factors that can contribute to the development of a discriminative mentality, including family social conditioning, subconscious-cavities influences, or other related causes. At its core, the foundation of it lies in the internal conditioning of an individual and the specific characteristics that define them.
Control mindset is a natural consequence of a discriminative mindset. The individual believes they are superior to their life partner and considers the other person to be foolish, therefore insisting that their partner must conform to their decisions and follow their lead. Through their actions, the individual unknowingly establishes a milieu and atmosphere, among other elements. Despite our obsession with a controlling mindset, it is possible that in our arrogance of superiority, we may convince ourselves that we do not possess a discriminative mindset. If a person does not have a discriminatory mindset, they will not possess the controlling mentality. The mindsets of discrimination and the desire for control are essentially two sides of the same coin. If a spouse holds the belief that they are superior and the other person is inferior, it is only then that they would develop a mindset of constantly correcting their partner. Because of their controlling and discriminative attitude, they continuously feel the need to correct their spouse. Serious discussions are not a priority for them, not even when it comes to important decisions. With the exception of minor matters, they neglect to involve their spouse in decision-making discussions, especially in serious matters. Although they may give the appearance of considering the partner's opposition in certain situations, they ultimately manipulate according to their own. The reason they are afraid of serious discussions is because they fear that the already taken decisions by them may need to be altered after discussions. As a result, they avoid engaging in serious, meaningful, and genuine conversations. The reasoning behind this mindset is that whatever they say or wish for is right and accurate. The manner in which it is presented can vary, whether it be aggressive, non-aggressive, or any other approach. However, it is important to recognise that this is a form of insensitivity, violence, and cruelty, and that too on a profound level. In the situation where one spouse possesses a controlling/discriminative mindset, they tend to either constantly correct their partner or aspire to improve them. Although upgrading at first may not be seen as directly aggressive, it tends to result in increased aggressiveness over time. These individuals are attempting to correct or improve their spouse because they perceive them as being inferior and as subordinates, behaving not as a family. Regardless of whether the partner is right or wrong, they persistently correct it due to their discriminatory mindset, as they strongly believe that their spouse requires correction. Some people consider their spouse a small child. Various other forms of presentations with controlling or discriminative mindsets may exist. When analysing objectively, it becomes evident that regardless of the nature of the presentation, the fundamental component remains unchanged. A blend of self-centricity and a controlling/discriminatory mindset.
The spouse, if they have a deep understanding of love, dedication, life values, and thoughtfulness, endures their partner's controlling mindset. The ability to endurance is possible because it is an important value that stems from the understanding of love and dedication. Whilst the spouse does not actively resist the controlling and discriminative mindset, but rather endures it, the individual with the controlling mindset feels content, believing their actions are justified, and even feeling appreciated inside for the controlling and discriminative perspective. As a consequence, this mindset grows increasingly intense over time, albeit not overtly apparent. Even though faced with difficult circumstances, her/his partner's spouse consciously opts not to raise any substantial objections, as they acknowledge that this matter exclusively relates to their personal life and because they possess the inner strength to endure and cultivate greater resilience.
When individuals live together for an extended period of time, without encountering substantial opposition to their spouse's controlling/discriminative mindset, then the spouse gradually starts to believe that their actions are inherently right, solidifying this mindset as the foundation for their way of life and the companionship. Consequently, individuals who have a mindset characterised by control or discrimination begin to believe in their minds that each aspect is progressing exceptionally well, with no apparent obstacles. As a result, a deep feeling of contentment begins to flourish within them. The more time elapses, the more likely it is for those who possess a controlling/discriminatory mentality to develop a sense of grandeur and generosity, based on their belief that the individual standing in front of them is immensely inferior, despite this, I cohabitate with him/her, which demonstrates my exceptional qualities of generosity, humility, thoughtfulness, and greatness. Consequently, this person comes to regard their controlling and discriminative mindset as a reflection of their greatness and generosity. The individual is completely oblivious to the fact that their spouses have been enduring a controlling/discriminative mindset, as they possess a deep understanding and practice of love, dedication, trust, commitment, accountability, and life values. If an individual possesses a mindset that is controlling/discriminative in nature, they lack the ability to truly comprehend the profound significance of commitment, accountability, dedication, love, and the deeply rooted values of life.
If the child is not born as a result of an accident or if there has been no outside influence for having a baby. When a child is born after years of living together, the fundamental elements that shape their upbringing include commitment, dedication, accountability, thoughtfulness, and a big change in controlling/discriminative mindset. In order to create a better environment for the child, it is important to live by the values of acknowledging and rectifying any mistakes, as well as seeking forgiveness and offering forgiveness for any wrongdoings that may have occurred in the past or present. We have the chance to provide the child with what we did not receive from our own parents. The child should be protected from the detrimental consequences of having cavities that are rooted in the subconscious. It is necessary to focus on improving and controlling a controlling/discriminative mindset.
However, once the baby is born, that is when the major issues begin to surface, as individuals with a self-centric and controlling/discriminative mentality lack the necessary commitment towards the fundamental aspects. Despite the negative consequences, they persist in living their lives under the strong influence of their overwhelming arrogance. Although the spouse may have endured the controlling/discriminative behaviours for years, after having the child they start to actively resist this mentality. However, the controlling mindset fails to acknowledge the opposition in a rational manner due to their long-standing belief that they are always in the right, that their actions are commendable, and that they possess great generosity. They use surface-level arguments to rationalise their controlling/discriminative behaviour, and for this, they think about why they have not been objected to in the past. Through relying on such shallow reasoning, they convince themselves that they have been living with greatness and generosity. Therefore, if someone accuses them of having a discriminative mindset, they perceive it as an act of disrespect and a direct insult to their self-esteem. The consequence of this is that, rather than engaging in introspection, admitting and correcting mistakes, they tend to become more negative.
The question that comes to mind is why a spouse, who has not shown any serious opposition to the controlling and discriminative mindset for years, starts protesting once the child is born.
- Until the child is there, the impact remains solely on oneself, therefore, one continues to endure. However, once they have a child, their desire becomes focused on ensuring that the child is raised with a strong sense of family integrity, integral parenting, and a high level of accountability. The person desires to provide the child with the best possible opportunities, ensuring that the child does not inherit negative subconscious cavities, and also intends to share valuable life experiences with the child. When it comes to the child, he or she desires to be actively involved in the decision-making process, rather than just being seen as a babysitter. Additionally, he/she is committed to enhancing the child's life by utilising their understanding and thoughtfulness. Unfortunately, those with a controlling or discriminative mindset lack the understanding of these fundamental values of parenting and life-companionship. As a result, they place their arrogance above all else, resulting in heightened insensitivity and cruelty, so if their spouses persist in opposition to the controlling/discriminative mindset, and keep pushing for admitting mistakes and making corrections. When faced with such circumstances, individuals who possess a controlling/discriminative mindset tend to make the decision to end the relationship, as they are unable to live the relationship without their controlling/discriminative tendencies. However, in order to show rationally, they resort to fabricating lies, manipulating the truth, and presenting persuasive arguments.
- When contemplating the concept of parenting, it is essential to acknowledge that it encompasses a multitude of responsibilities beyond the provision of food, clothing, shelter, and mental stimulation. When it comes to decision-making, unfortunately, the primary factors that influence our decisions are our arrogance, conditionings, mindsets, and subconscious cavities, rather than considering the well-being of children. Our vision of parenting is very narrow, lacking a broader perspective.
Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to resolve the positive solution from these situations, and it can be done in a straightforward manner and easily. But, because of the nature of our training and conditioning, we lack the ability to engage in introspection, which in turn prevents us from acknowledging and rectifying our mistakes with the necessary levels of seriousness, honesty, and accountability. The majority of individuals live with the influences unknowingly of training and conditioning that stems from parents, family members, friends, and society, thus negative decisions are therefore not only supported by these groups but also actively encouraged. Consequently, the lack of extensive opportunities for introspection results in an ongoing cycle of subconscious cavities from one generation to the next.
Chapter TWO — baby Luna
2.1 Preface

Luna, who is a girl, is missing a few links in the chain system of DNA genes. Among the known cases of this kind in the world, this girl is one of the few individuals identified. Unless you are informed about Luna's age, probably you cannot identify the impacts of the missing genes links. Because I do not adhere to the norms of established conditioning and mindset, my perspective on baby Luna is also unconventional. The presence of baby Luna in the family is the foundation catalyst for the ideas that I express in this article. There is absolutely no doubt or hesitation in my admission that Luna has changed my perspective on parenting and life. Baby Luna, despite her tender age of almost two years old, has played a significant role in shaping a new perception about parenting, which is why I see her as my teacher. In addition, it is important to take into account that the new perceptions could potentially change and bring about different solutions for addressing the deep-rooted issues in our world. These issues are extremely likely to arise in future generations due to our self-centric, arrogant, cruel, and discriminatory mindsets and the underlying subconscious cavities that exist within us.

Luna with me (Vivek)
Due to the prevalence of self-centricity, discrimination, and ego-driven mindsets, most people live their lives under their sway, with only a few exceptions. Consequently, I am uncertain about the individuals who would comprehend my article. Moreover, a significant portion of the population regards sentiments, values, ethics, and other similar aspects as irrelevant, foolishness, and regressive. Self-centricity is considered of utmost importance and is highly valued and appreciated.
Moreover, I feel the need to include two more aspects regarding this girl. The girl is blessed as her parents make a conscious effort to comprehend the essence of family integrity and integral parenting. Simultaneously, her parents are also fortunate, as they can examine their understanding of family integrity and integral parenting, without being influenced by pretences or routine conditioning. With the passing of time, my hope is that their understanding will gradually grow deeper and stronger, ultimately guiding them towards a life as a family that embraces accountability, distinct from the usual patterns of conditioning of self-centricity, discrimination, and parenting.

Luna's father, Luna and me (Vivek)
Despite the lack of an extensive exploration of Luna's life within this article, it is entirely dedicated to honouring the presence of a baby girl named Luna. Luna, who is the daughter of my younger sister (sister-in-law) Chloe and Sarhu-Bhai (brother-in-law) Greg, holds a special place in my heart, creating a bond with me too. Luna entered the world in December 2021, marking her birth.
2.1.1 Luna's parents

Neither of Luna's parents possess the mindset to exert control over their spouse. Their efforts have been focused on comprehending and embracing integral parenting. Just like anyone else, mistakes are a part of life for these individuals as well. However, what sets them apart is their genuine sense of remorse for the mistakes they make. Not only do they take responsibility for their actions, but they also make it a point to apologise to one another and seek forgiveness. Additionally, they actively work towards rectifying any errors they have committed. By making mistakes and rectifying them, they learn and grow. Their mindset, which is not controlling or discriminatory towards each other, is the root cause of all these happenings. Although there are people within their families and friends who prioritise self-centricity, arrogance, and other similar traits over their own children, they choose not to learn from these family members or friends, nor do they consider them as their ideals or seek their advice.
Luna's parents feel serious accountability for not taking her for granted. Despite the challenges that come with raising Luna, these individuals have been dedicated to transforming the task into a pleasurable experience instead of a tiresome one. The reason for this is simply because they have a mindset that does not take their child for granted and does not seek to control or discriminate against their spouse. Despite the challenges and negative experiences they may have faced in their own lives because of their parents, they go above and beyond to ensure that they do not pass on any negative subconscious cavity to their child, showcasing their immense love, unwavering commitment, and serious accountability to their child.

2.2 Hope for humanity and human race
Self-centricity, discrimination, arrogance, and other similar negative traits have become so deeply ingrained in society that they have now become the very essence and guiding principles of life. Based on these core centres, we have defined everything and our approach has been established accordingly. We are on the verge of losing our perspective on the greater possibilities that lie beyond these elements. Due to our ignorance about the true essence of family, we fail to comprehend the importance of family values. Consequently, we have also dismissed the significance of life values. We do not feel accountability for the values we are imparting to our children in real terms. Are we genuinely sensitive and accountable on the individual level, as well as on the family and social levels?
Through our dedicated efforts in extensive research and continuous innovation, we have successfully attained significant advancements in scientific and technological fields. As a result, we are now venturing into exploring new dimensions of knowledge and discovery. We try to find satisfaction in experiencing a wide range of physical comforts. To achieve mental comfort and satisfaction, we make continuous efforts by indulging ourselves in physical comforts and tastes, and for this, we establish conditionings in the minds of ourselves and our children too.
Our lives have become intertwined with a complex system of comforts, conveniences, and mechanical securities that provide us with a sense of safety and well-being. We go about our lives, making choices and living, with the underlying assumption that we will have an everlasting existence. Until the final moments of our death, we stubbornly cling to self-centricity, discrimination, arrogance, and other similar attributes, as though we are deluded into thinking that we will live forever. Having a very strong wish to live a long life does not mean because we want to adhere to human values or live a life of accountability. Regardless of the path we choose to follow, be it a simple or lavish lifestyle, most of us indulge in self-centricity, discrimination, arrogance, and other related attitudes. Thus, whether we live for fewer years or more years, what difference does it really make? Despite the numerous scientific and technological advancements that have been made, it is unfortunate to observe that our lives are becoming increasingly characterised by cruelty, insensitivity, and deceit. Cavities on the subconscious level are transferred from one generation to the next, as we teach and condition our children to continue the same patterns. The way we manipulate the minds of our children involves the deliberate construction of arguments, definitions, concepts, and perceptions, all with the purpose of glorifying negative traits such as deceit and cunning.
We are following in the footsteps of our ancestors with this. Due to their self-centricity and arrogance, our ancestors were responsible for the destruction of numerous societies and civilisations. Throughout history, there have been instances where millions of people have tragically lost their lives, while others have endured the horrors of enslavement, rape, abuse, violence, and insensitivity. Instead of introspecting and transforming our core principles, we preferred to instil in our children the use of polite words such as please, all, thank you, and so forth to prove in their minds our politeness, sensitivity, rationality, decency. We have established this in our culture and civilisation. Regardless of our true cruel, manipulative, and deceitful tendencies, using these words allows us to be perceived as considerate and thoughtful individuals. Regardless of how sensitive and thoughtful we may be, if we fail to use these words, we are perceived as rude and insensitive.
In order to justify our self-centricity, discrimination, arrogance, insensitivity, cruelty, and unaccountability, we have meticulously crafted definitions. Furthermore, to emphasise our greatness, we have even developed psychological concepts. Does this action truly have the power to transform us into individuals who are sensitive, thoughtful, honest, and valued? Despite claiming to possess qualities such as sensitivity, thoughtfulness, honesty, and value, why do we still engage in discrimination and arrogance? How can we justify the senseless killing of thousands of innocent individuals without feeling any remorse? What is the reason behind our lack of sincere dedication to the people we love? Why is it that we are not truly sensitive and accountable to them, even when it comes to our children?
Because of the self-centricity, discrimination/control mindset and arrogance, etc., snatching family from children, shifting cavities into their subconscious, conditioning them, all these done to stop them from asking deep questions. For this, we lie and manipulate, keep them busy and keep their brain stimulated. Does doing all this not fall under the category of killing children? Even though we do not kill them physically, we are killing them in very original and serious foundations, like their personality, values, vision, and life perspectives, etc. And we do this for the sake of our self-centricity, controlling/discriminative mindset, arrogance, and subconscious cavities.
We take our children for granted. Instead of letting children grow, we use their energy to adapt them, live by believing our lies and manipulations, creating emotional struggles and adaptations in children, establishing cavities in the subconscious, etc. In doing this, we feel about ourselves that we are doing very right whatever we are doing, we feel that we are not cruel, we are sensitive. But the irony is that we do great cruelty to children, but we are so hypocritical that we do this with shameless hypocrisy of sensitivity. To feel righteousness and greatness inside us, we show care and love towards children for small things, but do big invisible cruelty to them. Furthermore, we are reaching such a dangerous mindset that we have started to see our spouse who is a parent of our children as semen-donors or surrogate mothers for our ego and controlling/discriminative mindset.
We are moving towards negativities and cruelty, that too at the individual level. Which is a very dangerous stage, because despite no compulsion, we choose this to happen. As a result of this happening and the subconscious cavities and conditioning we are transferring to our children, it is dangerously shocking how self-centric, insensitive, hypocritical and cruel our future generations will be.
In order to survive, we adapted ourselves based on the environment that was provided to us by our parents. If we are not addicted to the environment and conditioning given by our parents, will we continue to do the same with our children or will we want to give better to our children? In order to provide our children with a better life and ensure a beautiful future for generations to come, it is essential that we shift our focus from self-centricity, arrogance, discrimination, cruelty, and mechanism towards embracing emotionality. Additionally, we must actively work towards changing the foundations that influence our preferences and conditions.
It might sound a bit awkward, but I am of the opinion that all parents should have a first child who is similar to baby Luna. This situation provides an incredible chance for individuals to gain insight into the responsibilities of parenthood, the importance of family-integrity, integral-parenting, the significance of responsive caregiving, patience, the true meaning of love, and the essence of living in harmony. Children are not toys, nor are they pets. Being a parent goes beyond just providing necessities like food, clothing, and shelter for children and brain stimulation and keeping them busy; it involves embodying life values such as seriousness, thoughtfulness, commitment, sacrifice of arrogance and negativities, and being accountable.
It is unclear whether nature is currently going through a trial to bring about a shift, similar to what it has done in the past to maintain equilibrium. Probably, nature is inclined to take on the role of leading children towards a greater understanding of emotionality. Baby Luna is inherently incapable of being cruel, manipulative, hypocritical, discriminatory, sly, or arrogant. Despite inserting our maximum efforts to train and condition them, they will be significantly much less self-centric, arrogant, discriminative and cruel than us. The presence of these children represents the hope for a future where human values will be with no pretence, hypocrisy, manipulation, or slyness, ultimately leading to the betterment of humankind.
January 18, 2024 @ 8:12 am
Extremely Useful Ideas about Parenting. Just read a few lines to grasp the aim and objective of this write up.