Books (printed)
- मानसिक, सामाजिक, आर्थिक स्वराज्य की ओर (Towards Spiritual, Social and Economic SWARAJ) - (Hindi) reprinted
- Proposal for decentralised national-budget for India (English/Hindi)
- Proposal for Local Governance and Decentralised Economy (English/Hindi)
- Proposal for a reformation of Indian bureaucracy (English/Hindi)
e-Books (Free)
Upcoming Books/eBooks
- India: The roads towards "Prosperity"
- Conflict resolution in Bastar, Chhattisgarh
- Parenting Vs Peace & Sustainable Society
- PANCHAYATI RAAJ:: the only way to democracy in India
- Smart Villages vs Smart Cities in India
- Child Education in India
- Towards Sustainable Society
- Feminism in the First World and Third World
- Community Water-Resolutions for India
- Water-Mother for millions of people
Upcoming Children Books hindi
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