Vivek Umrao
Author; Journalist; Educationist; Social Economist; Social Environmentalist; Mechanical Engineer; Research in Renewable Energy; Committed for Social Sustainability, Decentralised Economy and Peace; Physiology Natural-Practitioner
Life-understanding; Social Sustainability; Social aspects of Climate Change, Environment and Conflict Resolution; Social Economy; Education; Social Democracy; Local Governance
Physiology Natural-Practitioner
Executive Editor & CEO
Ground Report India International Journal
Local Governance & Decentralised Economy, Social Group
Joint-Convenor & Co-Founder
Non-Violent Initiative, NVI
IAEWP Board Member
World Peace Ambassador 2018-22
Former Regional Vice Chairperson
IAEWP Diplomatic Commission — Oceania
Books/eBooks (Published)
- मानसिक, सामाजिक, आर्थिक स्वराज्य की ओर (Towards Spiritual, Social and Economic SWARAJ) (Hindi)
- Distorted Psychology-Sects (neo-Religion) vs Values and Parenting (e)
- The heinous child-abuses caused by mindsets of Discrimination/Racism/Controlling vs Parenting (e)
- Baby Luna is a hope for humanity and the human race (e)
- Are we haunted for cursing our own children? Should we put an end to this or continue? (e)
- Is extended fasting “the miracle” for the human body? (e)
- Proposal for decentralised national-budget for India (English/Hindi)
- Proposal for Local Governance and Decentralised Economy (English/Hindi)
- Proposal for a reformation of Indian bureaucracy (English/Hindi)
- नागरिकता संशोधन कानून (CAA), राष्ट्रीय नागरिक पंजिका (NRC) बनाम सामाजिक नेतृत्व व भीड़-आंदोलन (Hindi) (eBook)
Books (Upcoming)
- India: The roads towards "Prosperity"
- Conflict resolution in Bastar, Chhattisgarh
- Parenting Vs. Peace & Sustainable Society
- We the parents, the family and our children
- Letters to the mother and the father of a child
- Letters to the son from a virtually dead father
- PANCHAYATI RAAJ:: the only way to democracy in India
- Smart Villages Vs. Smart Cities in India
- Child Education in India
- Towards Sustainable Society
- Feminism in the First World and Third World
- Community Water-Resolutions for India
- Water-Mother for millions of people
- How to keep the body healthy naturally
- How to reverse Diabetes
- How to reverse Fatty-liver
- How to keep the digestive system healthy
- How to keep the heart healthy
- How to keep the brain healthy
जनप्रतिनिधि के चयन में अगंभीरता व गैरजिम्मेदारी तथा लोकतंत्र के संदर्भ में अजागरूकता क्यों
सामंती नौकरशाही का दोगलापन बनाम दहेज, विवाह, शिक्षा, भ्रष्टाचार-नेक्सस, समाज इत्यादि
"मानसिक, सामाजिक, आर्थिक स्वराज्य की ओर" - जमीनी शोध, तथ्य, लेखन व किताब का प्रकाशन
घरेलू हिंसा, बच्चे व समाज
बलात्कार, बलात्कारी मानसिकता व समाधान
बस्तर - आदिवासी बनाम सोशल मीडिया में आदिवासियों के तथाकथित ठेकेदार व विशेषज्ञ टाइप लोग
बस्तर - पुलिस, माओवाद, आदिवासी व अनकहे तथ्य
सस्टेनेबल सोशल इकोनोमी
स्वतंत्रता की प्रासंगिकता
प्राकृतिक व जैविक गौ-पालन फार्म की यात्रा — ऑस्ट्रेलिया
गाय का प्राकृतिक-पोषण व वर्षाजल संग्रहण-प्रबंधन फॉर्म - ऑस्ट्रेलिया